Eeew! It’s green, it’s slimy, and it’s moving! It’s alive!
We must be on a trail in Yellowstone.
Pausing at the edge of the thready, clumping masses of odorous oozing slime, we decided on the best route across to give us the best chance of not having our boot soles eaten away by any sulfuric acid that might be floating by. I hopped the rocks with just a few splashes of the bright green substance clinging to my new boots. Jan, however, chose the more direct route across a flimsy log, mere inches above the goo.
Jan exhibits Olympic concentration! |
After Jan picked her way precariously across the stream we pondered what was living there, fascinated by what we observed.
Hmmmm… |
How hot and/or acidic is this water, anyway? Should I or should I not use my handy–dandy finger as a thermometer and pH indicator to find out?
Well…Just a touch couldn’t hurt, could it?
Could it?
Using your finger to test any thermal area is not a good idea!