It seems that there are a few more tweaks and fidgets to work out in my switch to my own custom blog domain. I wonder if this feral burro is running into the same blogging issues that I have? Looks to me like he has just decided to bag it all and head into the local Oatman, Arizona cafe for a tall cold one.
Over the past day or two I have discovered that several gadgets from my old web address do not carry over to the new web address, and will need to be re-done, both by my valued and faithful Followers and email subscribers. I will also be personally re-doing gadgets for the new blog address. So, let’s all be tweaking and fidgeting together!
If you are a valued and faithful email subscriber to the old WATCH FOR ROCKS with a URL of (with http:// inserted at the beginning) you may get a bunch of gobbledygook when you open my previous post. I am aware of this since it happened to my sister.
Signing up for email notification on the new! and improved! (well, eventually) WATCHINGFORROCKS.COM (with WWW. inserted before the WATCHING business, of course) is easy and the surest way (I hope) to be notified of all future posts, should you be so inclined to receive them.
If anyone has problems receiving posts, I would definitely like to hear about them and I will figure out how to fix them. If things are working as planned, please let me know that too!