I heard a song on the radio the other day – “Time has come today” by the Chambers Brothers. What a rocker that was, back in 1968! I was in tenth grade, and that song was part of the sound track of my youthful life.
Now it’s (yikes!) 43 years later, and although my soul has not been psychedelicized lately nor do I expect to get burned up by the sun (since I use spf 30), I realize that I can’t put it off another day. My young heart has got to go its way. I will not get crushed by the tumbling tide.
I need to change a few things.
Change has never been a scary thing for me. I embrace it! Back in grade school I would move my bedroom furniture around at least every six months. As an adult, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve moved to a new apartment, house, town, city, or state. And I get to rearrange the furniture each time.
And so after 18 months and 171 posts, it’s time to rearrange the furniture of WATCH FOR ROCKS. For the past few weeks I’ve been trying out different templates, themes, and color schemes and think I’ve hit upon a winner that is exquisitely uncomplicated and easy to navigate. The web address will remain the same for now, although that too may change someday if I ever decide to purchase my own domain name. There will probably be a bit of tweaking here and there for a while, as things morph into shape.
I am excited about the new look of WATCH FOR ROCKS. I hope you like it!