The journey through Alaska has officially begun. Jeani and Bruce and I said “so long for now” to MY TRAVEL AGENT, who stayed back in St George to fix his neighbor’s sprinkler do-hickey. I also said “So long for now” to the Colorado Plateau/Great Basin transition zone that is SW Utah, and plunged headlong into the Mesquite (NV) Basin and out through the fault-block mountains and valleys of the Great Basin.
There is very little of geologic interest about the LV spaghetti bowl on I-15. We found our way easily to McCarran airport, but after driving 2 loops around the grounds, we never found short-term parking and, after hugs, kisses, and a few pix, I was left curbside by Jeani and Bruce at Delta departures. Check-in at the kiosk was a breeze. I paid my $60 baggage fee without blinking an eye.
Q: How much does a 20-ounce Sam Adams draft cost at McCarran?
A: Way too much.
Enjoy your prime rib, J&B;!